Avoin yliopisto-opetusJohtaminen ja organisaatiot

Cross-Cultural Management 5 op - ayJOHT3002



Vastaava yliopisto ja tiedekunta/yksikkö

Vaasan yliopisto – Johtamisen akateeminen yksikkö

Ilmoittautuminen ja hintatiedot

Opintojakson kokonaishinta on 110. Opintojaksolle ilmoittauduttaessa maksetaan verkkomaksuna Tampereen kesäyliopistoon 84€. Vaasan avoimen yliopiston rekisteröintimaksu 26€ maksetaan Vaasan avoimeen yliopistoon rekisteröitymisen yhteydessä. Huom! Ohjeet avoimeen yliopistoon rekisteröitymisestä lähetetään sähköpostilla tammikuussa viikolla 2.


Verkkotyöskentelyä Moodlessa 13.1.-23.2.2025

Working online in Moodle 13.1.-23.2.2025


Sniazhana Diduc

Sisältö / Content: 

The main topics that will be covered during the course are among others:

  1. cultural differences and dimensions of culture;
  2. cross-cultural communication and negotiation;
  3. the role of culture in leadership;
  4. expatriation and managerial challenges in cross-cultural context;
  5. cross-cultural team management; and
  6. cross-cultural perspective on ethics and sustainability.

Oppimistavoite / Learning goals

By the end of this course students should have a more in-depth  understanding of culture, more knowledge of cultural frameworks as well  as practical experience of cultural encounters. The assignment’s  objective is to increase students’ cross-cultural and interpersonal  skills. Cross-Cultural Management course aims at developing students’  cross-cultural competencies for situations such as: working with  foreigners, working abroad, working in international projects/teams, and  dealing with workplace diversity. The course also supports students’  development of global mindset and encourage them to value diversity.

Suoritustapa ja arviointi / Learning tasks and evaluation

Interview video reports, discussions, and several written  assignments. All course assignments have to be submitted in English. You  should have at least one of the course books at hand from the first  week of the course.

This course is organized fully online.  Since discussions and participative lectures are not present, the  responsibility of a student is even bigger in reaching his/her learning  goals. Student must reserve time for active reading of course book and  searching for additional academic material and submitting the  assignments on time. Students should be familiar with the basic HRM  vocabulary (Human resource management), and be able to follow the video  lectures and read course material in English.

Grading scale: 


Opiskelumateriaali / Learning material

  1. Understanding Cross-Cultural Management, Pearson Education, by Marie-Joëlle Browaeys and Roger Price, multiple editions. 
  2. Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts, Sage, by David Thomas, multiple editions. 
  3. International dimensions of organizational behavior. Cengage Learning, by Nancy J. Adler, and Allison Gundersen, 2007. 
  4. Videos on Moodle. 

You should have at least one of the course books at hand from the first week of the course.

Kirjallisuus on lainattavissa esim. Tiedekirjasto Tritoniasta. Lisätietoa kirjastopalveluista.

Kirjalliset tuotokset tarkistetaan Turnitin-järjestelmällä (verkkoarviointi, plagiaatintunnistus, vertaisarviointi).


Lisätietoja opinnoista saa koulutuskoordinaattori Vappu Saloselta p. 040 081 3717 ja kesäyliopiston toimistosta  050 303 1178.


Sniazhana Diduc



Ilmoittautumisen tilanne

Ilmoittautuminen on päättynyt

Kurssin ajankohta

13.1.2025 - 23.3.2025

Ilmoittautuminen alkaa


Ilmoittautuminen päättyy


